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Ways to Give

你可以选择只做一件礼物,在一段时间内分摊你的捐款, or choose a deferred giving option. Your gifts are deeply appreciated and we will steward them with care.

Online - credit/debit card or bank account

Make a one-time or recurring donation online ,或在办公时间内致电(435)283-7062, Monday through Friday 8 AM – 5 PM MST.

如果您没有看到您想要提供的区域的选项,请留下 在结帐屏幕上发表评论,我们将与您联系,以确保您的礼物被应用 to the intended designation.

Mail - Check or Money Order

Send a check (payable to Snow College Foundation) or money order to:

Snow College Foundation
150 College Avenue, Box 1033
Ephraim, UT 84627


网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行,我们的首要任务之一是增加奖学金的数量 assistance available to incoming and returning students. Scholarships help to make 学生的梦想成为现实,并给他们实现目标的机会. 你可以帮助减轻学生和他们家庭的经济负担 scholarships. Visit this page 了解更多关于网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的奖学金和捐赠礼物.

Payroll Deduction

Snow College employees can participate in the Employee Giving Campaign by filling out this form to authorize monthly payroll deductions. Learn more about joining the Employee Giving Club by visiting this page.


For gifts of securities,请以书面形式通知雪学院基金会 以下概述捐赠的细节、支持的领域和转移方法. 如果股票存在你的经纪账户中,它通常可以直接转移 to a Snow College account. When the college receives notification, it will promptly 联系你的银行或经纪人安排证券的处置. If your contribution 是紧密持有的股票或共同基金,请联系雪学院基金会 有关这些类型的礼物的接受过程的信息. If you hold your own stock certificates,连同意向书,用普通的一等邮件寄去 向网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行基金会提供背书、作业或其他批注.

用一级邮件另封寄一份备用电源(每份证书各一份) 空白背书(仅由您签名),与您的姓名完全一致 该证书),并附有银行官员的签字担保 a copy of the letter of intention mailed with the certificate. Stock power forms are 随时可以从任何银行、经纪公司或网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行基金会获得. 如果您对证券礼品有任何疑问,请与教务处联系 (435) 283-7060.

Planned/Legacy Gifts

Snow College welcomes your deferred or planned gifts. These gifts may take the form 遗赠,慈善赠与年金,慈善剩余信托,财产,汇集 收入基金、慈善信托、退休计划、人寿保险政策等 many more.

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的官方法定遗赠语言是:“我,[姓名],[城市,州, [ZIP],捐赠,设计并遗赠给网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行基金会,这是一个政治团体 犹他州的公司,[书面金额或百分比的财产或描述 of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose."

将学院纳入其遗产计划的个人,请通知 College to become members of the Founders Society. 创始人协会是一个特殊的组织,它认可那些通知我们的捐赠者 他们体贴的赠与意图是通过遗产条款,无论金额多少.

如欲了解更多有关延期或计划捐献的方式,请联络 the Advancement Office at (435) 283-7060.

Corporate Matching Gifts

对于网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的校友、家长和朋友来说,公司配对礼物是一个很好的方式 最大限度地提高个人对学院的贡献,并增加他们的影响 gift. 通过利用公司的配套礼品福利,你也许可以做到 double or even triple the amount of a contribution. Many employers sponsor matching 礼品计划和将匹配员工的慈善捐款. To 如欲了解贵公司是否有配对礼品政策,请与您的人力查询 Resources Department. 如果你的公司符合,你可以直接通过 your Human Resources Department; Snow College is also happy to assist. Please note 有些公司对退休人员和/或配偶的礼物进行匹配.

How do I get my gift matched?

每家公司对员工、配偶、退休人员和寡妇/鳏夫都有自己的指导方针. Most corporate procedures are simple:

If you have any questions, please email us at ude.wons@gnivig or call us at (435) 283-7062.

Memorial and Honor Gifts

通过捐赠来纪念或纪念所爱的人. Honorees or their families will be notified of your donation. Scholarships can be set up in honor of individuals by meeting the minimum threshold. Please see scholarship and endowment sections above for details on thresholds.

我们可以为您所爱的人创建一个独特的链接,为他们的记忆/荣誉制作礼物. 这些链接可以在讣告网站上用来代替鲜花进行捐赠. 请致电(435)283-7060与教务处联系,创建一个独特的链接 others to give toward your loved one.

Volunteer Time

校友和朋友可以帮助学生、教职员和其他校友获得丰富的经历 by volunteering their time to Snow College. Volunteer opportunities include: job-shadow 导师,简历编辑,模拟面试,参加招聘会,社交 与斯诺大学的学生或转学到四年制大学的学生一起成为 an Alumni Board member, or helping with Alumni events. Contact the Advancement Office 如果你有兴趣在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行做义工,请拨打(435)283-7060.

Other Ways to Support Snow College

The Snow College Foundation is proudly partnered with the Smith's Inspiring Donations program. 这个项目可以让你每次都支持雪学院 you shop at Smith's using your Smith's Rewards Card. Almost everything you purchase 有资格获得一定比例的捐赠回网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行,而且报名很容易 and free. Visit this link (,登录你的数字账户或创建一个账户, 通过在搜索工具中输入您的奖励卡或输入VN399将其链接到Snow College. 然后,每次你用你的奖励卡在史密斯购物,他们都会捐赠0.5% of your total order to Snow College! (*see Smith's website for list of qualifying purchases)

我们将与您合作,最大限度地发挥您的天赋,实现您的愿望. Please contact us at (435) 283-7060 with any questions on ways to give.

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